
  • Color: Silver
  • Need: Enforcement

The Silver team is responsible for rules enforcement. Rules are determined by the holders of spaces. Silver exists to enforce those rules. If someone has another player in their space and wants them removed for any reason, and that party refuses to leave, that's Silver's responsibility.

Silver is meant to have the real threat of physical violence to back its direction. Dangerousness is determined by capturing recordings of combat & ranking the relative dangerousness of the combatants. When necessary, Silver should be able to muster teams capable to genuine physical threat.

If someone is being removed to an area, they may be kept under control for as long as it takes to move them to an area where they have permission to be. That area will be determined by the holders of the various areas in combination. It will be determined as a combination of available space, ability to pay rent, previous transgressions, and consumer preferences.

Control is hierarchical and of descending specificity. The active holder might have control of a room. The house they're in is held by someone else, the grounds of the property someone else, the neighborhood someone else, the city, the state, the country, the continent, etc. — up to 13 segments ultimately encompassing the universe — each held by a different party.

Violations of those rules can be recorded and submitted to the various holders who can decide whether to permit the player space within their demesne.

There will always be locations of last resort that are available to all players, but they may look like a house where the exterior locks are controlled by another party, or, if the player habitually destroys property where they are housed, it may look similar to the concrete cells with little to no damageable contents where inmates are housed currently.

This would only be in the most extreme and well documented cases that alternatives weren't feasible.

So, the role of the Silver team in extreme cases would be to deliver players to a permitted location.
